In honor of Independence Day, Pennsylvania (the birthplace of American independence) receives a Pink Fail.
In more than half the local jurisdictions, GLBT individuals can still be fired from their jobs, evicted from their apartments, and refused service at restaurants with impunity.

That's a "4th of July" Pink Fail

A mini Pink Fail goes to Pennsylvania Senator Daryl Metcalfe, quoted as saying: "The institution of traditional marriage has never been under greater attack".

That's a "mini Metcalfe" Pink Fail

Rick Santorum is easy.
The "Presidential hopeful" recently said that gays "cheapen marriage", adding to the cadre of other anti gay rhetoric that he has openly spewed in the past.

That's a "Spreading Santorum" Pink Fail

Texas Governor Rick Perry earns a Pink Fail for his continued and tacit association with gay hate groups.

That's a "as big as Texas" Pink Fail

NYPD gets their first Pink Fail after raiding a gay bar (The Eagle) in Manhattan minutes after New York's marriage equality law was passed.

That's a "Lots of Leather and Poor timing" Pink Fail
(Or maybe a "Remember Stonewall, 1969" Pink Fail)

A day after New York passed the Marriage Equality Law, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says he is "not a fan" of same sex marriage, and wouldn't follow neighboring New York's lead by legalizing it.

That's a "Never was as good as New York" Pink Fail

While the NY State Senate passed a same sex marriage bill, 29 Senators voted "Nay".
This list includes Senators Ball, Bonacic, DeFrancisco, Diaz, Farley, Flanagan, Fuschillo, Gallivan, Golden, Griffo, Hannon, Johnson, Lanza, Larkin, LaValle, Libous, Little, Marcellino, Martins, Maziarz, Nozzolio, O'Mara, Ranzenhofer, Ritchie, Robach, Seward, Skelos, Young, Zeldin who each earn a Pink Fail for their failure to vote "Aye".

That's a "historic" Pink Fail
(or maybe a "that was too easy" Pink Fail)

Thomas Rivera Schatz, the President of Puerto Rico's Senate, earns a Pink Fail for leading the increasingly violent anti-gay rhetoric on the island. Rivera Schatz also makes it a point to ask senior government job candidates up for confirmation hearings whether they support gay marriage.

That's a "el homofobo" Pink Fail

FULL STORY HERE (Click!) (people are dying Senator)

Maggie Gallagher, board chair of the National Organization for Marriage, is making in appearance in Albany, NY on Tuesday, with none other than David Tyree (Click--> David Tyree) to deliver 63,000 signatures urging GOP Senators to vote against the gay marriage bill.

That's a
"Who cares if my son is born out of wedlock" Pink Fail

Bernice King, daughter of Martin Luther King Jr. assures us that her father "did not take a bullet for same sex unions", despite her mother being a strong gay rights supporter. This week, Bernice is stepping down as an elder of the embattled Missionary Baptist Church (with whom she marched against same sex marriage).

That's a "5th Commandment" Pink Fail

The Republican Senator from Minnesota, Michele Bachmann, gets her very own Pink Fail (many times over). She also helped fund the "You Can Run But You Can't Hide Ministries" (see Bradlee Dean HERE!)

That's a "All aboard the Crazy Train" Pink Fail

In Hazard, Kentucky, a disabled gay couple was kicked out of the public pool by a city maintenance worker (Mr. Kim Haynes) for being gay. He was placed on one week's unpaid suspension, as was manager Charlotte Pearlman (for conduct unbecoming of a city employee).

That's a "Triple Threat" Pink Fail

- 1 for Kim Haynes ("Kim is a guy's name too" Pink Fail)
- 1 for Charlotte Pearlman ("Unbecoming Conduct" Pink Fail)
- 1 for Hazard Pavilion Pool ("Someone pooped in the Pool" Pink Fail)

The MAYOR APOLOGIZES HERE (Click!) "We once hired a gay lifeguard"

Meanwhile, dozens of people rallied at the pool Saturday in support of the gay men.

Marten Joseph Brandel was arrested after allegedly admitting to hanging a black noose at a local gay rights organization in Santa Ana, California.

That's a "Strabismus" Pink Fail

Using the word 'faggot' 213 times in his latest album, Tyler the Creator shrugs off criticism for his homophobic language.

That's a "You ain't creatin' nothin' but hurt" Pink Fail

"Deangelah" (a former Safeway Cashier in DC) made it to the news this week after calling a homosexual couple 'faggots' while they were in line at the grocery store.

That's a "Deangelah's Closet" Pink Fail

What's even better is the concerned DC resident who went to Safeway after reading the story with a video camera. That story is HERE (Click!)

See Deangelah's "apology" on video HERE (Click!)

See Deangelah get FIRED HERE (Click!) "Sorry, Deangelah!"

Bradlee Dean, of the "You Can Run But You Can't Hide" ministry, Takes Credit for Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment in Minnesota (and for publicly decrying homosexuals as criminals)

That's a "Fashion Faux Pas" Pink Fail.

As the United Nations passed a historic gay rights resolution, Pakistan claims this has "nothing to do with fundamental human rights", earning the first Pink Fail for a whole country in the world! Thanks for your help with Bin Laden too, Pakistan!

That's a "Land of the Pure" Pink Fail.

Nigeria held Pakistan's hand in claiming the resolution was an "attempt to place the natural rights of human beings with an unnatural right"

That's a "Flora Shaw" Pink Fail.

Roman Catholic Archbishop of New York, Timothy Dolan called the Gay Marriage Bill an "ominous threat" to society.

Plain old, expected Pink Fail.
Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association told listeners on his radio show on Thursday that the Nazi Party in Germany was formed in a gay bar in Munich by "homosexual thugs".

That's a "Fischer" Pink Fail.

And for Pink Fail posterity...

That's a "God Loves us all" Pink Fail

The very first Pink Fail is awarded to David Tyree, former New York Giant and Superbowl "hero" who suggested that America will fall into anarchy should New York State pass a law in favor of same sex marriage.

That's a "straight up" Pink Fail.