The latest Pink Fail goes to Scott Lively, an anti-gay extremist who also wrote "The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party" which purports that the "Nazi Party was entirely controlled by militaristic male homosexuals throughout its short history." Following the Holocaust Day of Remembrance and the Day of Silence (4/20) Scott Lively is having a three day "teaching and preaching" session at Draper Park Christian Church in Oklahoma - where he will most certainly be serving up some hater-aid towards the LGBT community. (Full Story Here) - That's a "Don't Drink the Kool-Aid" Pink Fail for Scott Lively.
Pink Fail is an online list of celebrities, athletes, leaders and citizens who have publically failed in the struggle for LGBT equality.
It is no surprise that Pat Robertson recently advised a woman to use the bible to reverse her daughter's "homosexual behavior" (Story Here) . What's more surprising is that we have not done our due diligence here at Pink Fail by including Mr. Robertson into our own "Club". For his latest, and perpetual rally against the LGBT community, we award Pat Robertson the "700 Club" Pink Fail or: "The way overdue" Pink Fail.
The latest Pink Fail goes to Bob Drury, Boy Scout Executive from the Ohio River Valley (Story Here) . Mr. Drury was quoted as saying: "We do not grant membership to individuals who are opened or avowed homosexuals" after kicking out a volunteer Den Mother from their local council for being a lesbian - that gives Mr. Drury (and the discriminatory policies of the Boy Scouts) a Pink Fail "Merit Badge."
The latest "Pink Fail" is awarded to Eugene Delgaudio - who serves on the board of supervisors for the small town of Sterling, Virginia, and who's non profit organization is listed as a hate group by the SPLC. To quote Eugene: "As homosexuals die off due to AIDS, the remaining AIDS carriers, prey on children to replenish the homosexual community."
That's a "Stay away from Sterling" Pink Fail. Were you bullied as a child, Eugene? We feel your pain.
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